Surh Luchtel 2005 Page Nord Vineyard Syrah (Oak Knoll District)
Page Nord Vineyard
Winzerei: Surh Luchtel aus Oak Knoll District, USA
Jahrgang 2005
Preisbereich 4 bis 81 €
Kommentar einer Weinprobe (englisch)
Cab specialist Surh Luchtel has had some years to figure out how to make their Page Nord Syrah, and judging by this '05 bottling, they're right on track. The wine is firmer in structure than the soft '04, but the flavors are no less startling. Blackberries, cherries, currants, chocolate and pepper flood the palate, wrapped into sumptuous tannins. Best now and for a few years.
Bewertung 92 / 100 Punkten