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  3. Serrano Mira 2005 Herdade das Servas Vinhas Velhas Red (Alentejano)

Serrano Mira 2005 Herdade das Servas Vinhas Velhas Red (Alentejano)

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Portuguese Red

Herdade das Servas Vinhas Velhas

Winzerei: Serrano Mira aus , Portugal

Jahrgang 2005

Preisbereich 4 bis 81 €

Kommentar einer Weinprobe (englisch)
A strong, concentrated and ultimately rustic wine, a flavor that derives from the Alicante Bouschet in the blend. This gives it power and alcohol that shows in a pepper character. The final juicy palate feels solid and heavy.
Bewertung 87 / 100 Punkten Roger Voss