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  3. Mastroberardino 2005 Radici (Taurasi)

Mastroberardino 2005 Radici (Taurasi)

Symbobild für 'Mastroberardino 2005 Radici  (Taurasi)'
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Winzerei: Mastroberardino aus Taurasi, Italien

Jahrgang 2005

Preisbereich 4 bis 81 €

Kommentar einer Weinprobe (englisch)
This is one of our favorite red wines from Southern Italy. The reason is personality: you just don't find this intensity and these lead pencil mineral notes and crushed black pepper anywhere else. The wine is elegant and focused with young tannins that promise a long aging future ahead.
Bewertung 92 / 100 Punkten