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  3. Hightower 2005 Red Mountain Red Red (Red Mountain)

Hightower 2005 Red Mountain Red Red (Red Mountain)

Symbobild für 'Hightower 2005 Red Mountain Red Red (Red Mountain)'
Symbolbild, Bildquelle: © brett jordan on Unsplash

Red Blend

Red Mountain Red

Winzerei: Hightower aus Red Mountain, USA

Jahrgang 2005

Preisbereich 4 bis 81 €

Kommentar einer Weinprobe (englisch)
This well-crafted red wine is supple and smooth. It opens with scents of violets and berries, fills in with round, lush berry and cherry fruit flavors, then applies a wash of milk chocolate to the tannins.
Bewertung 88 / 100 Punkten Paul Gregutt