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  3. Gravner 2005 Amfora Ribolla Gialla (Venezia Giulia)

Gravner 2005 Amfora Ribolla Gialla (Venezia Giulia)

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Ribolla Gialla


Winzerei: Gravner aus Venezia Giulia, Italien

Jahrgang 2005

Preisbereich 4 bis 81 €

Kommentar einer Weinprobe (englisch)
Amfora's copper-ornage color is completely unique in the wide world of contemporary wine. There's a luminous brightness to the wine's appearance that defies its many years of age. Matured in clay amphorae, this pure expression of Ribolla Gialla delivers a softer approach than Gravner's Breg (a white blend) and amazingly intense aromas of resin, pine nut, caramel, graham cracker and candied fruit. Firm structure and determined flavors mark the long close. You can drink it now or hold 10 more years.
Bewertung 94 / 100 Punkten