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  3. Fidelitas 2005 Merlot (Columbia Valley (WA))

Fidelitas 2005 Merlot (Columbia Valley (WA))

Symbobild für 'Fidelitas 2005 Merlot (Columbia Valley (WA))'
Symbolbild, Bildquelle: © brett jordan on Unsplash


Winzerei: Fidelitas aus Columbia Valley (WA), USA

Jahrgang 2005

Preisbereich 4 bis 81 €

Kommentar einer Weinprobe (englisch)
Even in his less-expensive wines, such as this Columbia Valley Merlot, winemaker Charlie Hoppes gets excellent color extraction. Along with the color come stiff, substantial tannins; once in the mouth, however, the wine sets a different course, turning rather light and fruity. Tart cherry and wild berry flavors quickly give way to thick tannins and barrel flavors of baking chocolate.
Bewertung 87 / 100 Punkten Paul Gregutt