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  3. Dão Sul 2005 Monte da Cal Reserva Red (Alentejano)

Dão Sul 2005 Monte da Cal Reserva Red (Alentejano)

Symbobild für 'Dão Sul 2005 Monte da Cal Reserva Red (Alentejano)'
Symbolbild, Bildquelle: © brett jordan on Unsplash

Portuguese Red

Monte da Cal Reserva

Winzerei: Dão Sul aus , Portugal

Jahrgang 2005

Preisbereich 4 bis 81 €

Kommentar einer Weinprobe (englisch)
Herbal, almost medicinal aromas set a complex scene for this densely structured wine. The flavors throughout, while rich, are also severe, a wrinkle on the otherwise ripe façade. That certainly suggests aging, and the dry tannins support this. In the meantime, it is a winter wine, its concentration needing rich meat dishes.
Bewertung 88 / 100 Punkten Roger Voss