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  3. Coeur d'Alene 2005 Stillwater Creek Vineyard Syrah (Washington)

Coeur d'Alene 2005 Stillwater Creek Vineyard Syrah (Washington)

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Symbolbild, Bildquelle: © brett jordan on Unsplash


Stillwater Creek Vineyard

Winzerei: Coeur d'Alene aus Washington, USA

Jahrgang 2005

Preisbereich 4 bis 81 €

Kommentar einer Weinprobe (englisch)
These are still young vines, and showing rather simple, though attractive, fruit flavors of raspberry, strawberry and red currant. Vague hints of pepper and rock suggest good things to come, but for now this is a bit of an underachiever for the price.
Bewertung 86 / 100 Punkten Paul Gregutt