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  3. Barberani 2005 Moscato Passito Villa Monticelli Moscato (Umbria)

Barberani 2005 Moscato Passito Villa Monticelli Moscato (Umbria)

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Moscato Passito Villa Monticelli

Winzerei: Barberani aus Umbria, Italien

Jahrgang 2005

Preisbereich 4 bis 81 €

Kommentar einer Weinprobe (englisch)
With a deep amber color and luminous copper highlights, this Moscato-based dessert wine from central Italy boasts pretty aromas of caramel, chestnut honey, pinecone and candied orange. There are well-integrated toasted or nutty notes in the background. It's a full and sophisticated wine with a masculine, brooding personality and lightly candied fruit on the close.
Bewertung 91 / 100 Punkten