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  3. Adastra 2005 Proximus Pinot Noir (Carneros)

Adastra 2005 Proximus Pinot Noir (Carneros)

Symbobild für 'Adastra 2005 Proximus Pinot Noir (Carneros)'
Symbolbild, Bildquelle: © brett jordan on Unsplash

Pinot Noir


Winzerei: Adastra aus Carneros, USA

Jahrgang 2005

Preisbereich 4 bis 81 €

Kommentar einer Weinprobe (englisch)
This is the kind of California Pinot Noir Burgundophiles love to hate. It's so full-bodied and fruity, so forward in currant, chocolate and licorice flavors, that it seems to have nowhere to go — a sin in Burgundy. And yet there's no denying its immediate deliciousness. It fools the palate, now honey sweet, now bone dry, but always rich and spicy.
Bewertung 90 / 100 Punkten